Foundations for Living Stones – A Faith Formation Program for interested Adults

“Come to him, a living stone…chosen and precious in the sight of God, y, like living stones, let yourself be built into a spiritual house…” (1 Peter 2:4-5)

St. Sabina, a Catholic faith community committed to total and lifelong faith formation, is offering an adult faith formation program titled, Foundations for Living Stones. The program explores in greater depth and knowledge the basics of our faith. All the sessions focus on the ministry that we are called to in and through our baptism. Communication skills, group development, leadership skills, bible study, church history, prayer and sacraments are some of the many areas explored and examined in depth. Adult methods of learning and reflection are employed throughout.

The sessions are scheduled on Tuesday evenings, from 7-9:30 PM, beginning in early September and ending in late May. This is a 9-month commitment to deepen one’s skills and knowledge so as to become a more effective and engaged minister. We hope to work collaboratively with neighboring parishes, inviting them to be part of this mutual learning process. For a brochure or more information, please contact either Kris Larkey oBiagio Mazza.