Youth Ministry

The Parish Youth Ministry program is open year round to youth in grades 7-12. Junior High youth meet twice monthly with the Youth Minister as well as with volunteer Youth Leaders. The program focuses on the application of their prior Catholic education in the Parish School of Religion to real life issues. A variety of resources are used, including Faith Works from St. Mary’s Press. We also offer at least one social event each month for the youth to gather in fellowship. High School Youth Ministry is for youth grades 9-12. Meetings are held twice monthly with fellowship gatherings, service opportunities and prayer or retreat opportunities scheduled around the meetings. Our ministry is led primarily by Peer Ministers, high school youth and college youth who are confirmed and wish to share their gifts, faith and talents with the youth of our parish. Peer Ministers are trained and coordinated by the Youth Minister.

Confirmación classes are available for youth in 10th grade and older and use the Confirmed In a Faithful Community series. They are integrated into the youth programming of the parish and also meet monthly at the parish with their Sponsors. The Confirmation program is led by the Youth Minister with the assistance of adult volunteers and the Peer Ministry Team.

Kirstie Roberts
Director of Religious Education