[:en]As a parish family, an important action we can do is to pray for each other. We can also volunteer to help others. In a large parish community, sometimes it is difficult to know who needs our prayers, who needs help. In this fast-changing world, it is also a challenge to keep up with the latest happenings and announcements. In an effort to help with these challenges, we have opened an account for our parish at Church Updates. Church Updates is a site where we are able to post an interactive prayer list, request volunteers, share parish news and opportunities to give. To see this information all you need is an email address to set up an account, and you don’t have to login every day. By setting up your account, you will receive weekly emails informing you of any new updates. So if we add someone to the prayer list, you will receive notice that someone has been added that week and you can log in and let them know that you’re praying for them. To set up your account, go tohttps://stsabinaparish.churchupdates.org/ and clickregister as new memberbelow the login button.[:]