Training for new altar servers will begin on Tuesday, July 9 en 7:00 PM in the church. Parish youth aged 4th grade and up are encouraged to train as altar servers. Serving at Mass is a great way for parish youth to become actively involved at church. But serving is not limited to youth. Adults are also welcomed to serve at weekend Masses. We especially need altar servers for the 4:00 Saturday and 8:00 Sunday Masses.

Why be an altar server?

This is an important ministry to our parish, and a great way that young people can actively do something that has real meaning at church. Being active at Mass helps us learn more about praying together at Mass and can lead us to a deeper relationship with God. When we take an active role at church, we become more connected to our faith and to the workings of our parish. This can have a great meaning in our lives!

Click here to sign up for this training.