Drive-By Fish Fries
St. Sabina2021-03-29T09:31:17-05:00Beginning Friday, Febrero 19, the Knights of Columbus will have a weekly Drive By Fish Fry during Lent.
Beginning Friday, Febrero 19, the Knights of Columbus will have a weekly Drive By Fish Fry during Lent.
We are now taking advanced sign-ups for our 8am English and 7pm bilingual Masses on Ash Wednesday, Febrero 17. Please call the parish office to secure your seat in the church. Overflow seating will be available in the gym with the live-stream. [...]
This year, everyone wanting to attend Christmas Masses must call ahead and register for seats. We will be making seating charts to allow for the best use of available pews. We will not be able to seat walk-ins. Please plan ahead and call the [...]
We remember the members of our parish family who have gone before us.
We will have a Trunk or Treat on October 29th from 6:30 to 8pm. This will be a drive through event and trunks will have a few different guidelines to follow. Please contact Kirstie Roberts in the Youth Office for more details if you [...]
Bishop Johnston's Video in English Video del Obispo Johnston en Español Make a donation or a pledge to the Annual Catholic Appeal at Haga su donación o un compromiso a la Apelación Católica Anual en [...]
Bishop Johnston invites all to join a live streamed event to review the final draft of the strategic plan for the parishes of the Blue Ridge Deanery. Our Mutually Shared Vision pledges to create a comprehensive resource strategy by October 2021 for our diocese, [...]
We will have a flu shot clinic at St. Sabina on Monday, September 14th from 10am - 11am in the gym. The CDC is recommending that individuals get vaccinated for the flu this fall to diminish the possibility of an overlap of the flu [...]
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