
Septiembre 2019

Agosto 2019

Ladies Evening Event


El San. Sabina Parents Lounge Ladies are hosting another "WOW" evening event on Friday, Noviembre 8, 7-10pm in the parish hall. All women of St. Sabina are invited to grab a girlfriend and join the fun. "WOW" means Work On Whatever. Bring a project [...]

Ladies Evening Event2019-11-12T07:55:14-06:00

Cena inspiradora de Acción de Gracias


Nuestros cocineros de Uplift prepararán la cena de Acción de Gracias para Uplift el miércoles., Noviembre 27. We'll be working from 8am to 3pm and anyone is welcome to join us. Los niños deben estar acompañados por un padre.. There will be a sign up genius available for [...]

Cena inspiradora de Acción de Gracias2019-12-03T08:48:34-06:00

High School Youth to the Renaissance Festival!


On September 29th we will visit the Ren Fest for Giant Turkey legs, jousting and fire eating fun! We will leave St. Sabina at 12pm and return around 6pm. Ticket prices range from $20 to $23 depending on whether you purchase in advance on [...]

High School Youth to the Renaissance Festival!2019-10-01T09:35:39-05:00

Confirmation Parent Meeting


Parents of youth entering the Confirmation program are invited to attend one of two meeting times on September 8th at 9am or 11:30estoy en el salón parroquial. You will have an opportunity to meet the teacher, learn about the program and the requirements. Registration [...]

Confirmation Parent Meeting2019-09-10T09:13:15-05:00

Water Line


Hydrant installation: Since Belton could not find the water pipe, we will be getting a new pipe from the meter. Danny Chevalier of Chevalier Construction and Nick Biondo of Four-way Plumbing will be helping Tracy Wheeler with this project! Digging could begin this week! [...]

Water Line2019-08-01T07:33:12-05:00

Funeral Arrangements for JoAnn Gerant


JoAnn Gerant passed away on July 25, 2019. El viernes se realizará un velorio., August 2nd from 10:30-11:30am at Dickey Funeral Home in Harrisonville, mes, followed by a funeral service. Graveside services will be held after the service at Peculiar Cemetery. Please keep [...]

Funeral Arrangements for JoAnn Gerant2019-08-06T09:48:18-05:00

July 2019

Summer Harvesting


We are harvesting 40 - 100 lbs each time. We are just over 600 lbs for the year! We could use all the help we can get to harvest, water and pull a couple weeds. Bring your friends and family to join the fun! [...]

Summer Harvesting2019-07-31T11:15:53-05:00
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