
July 2019

Registro PSR!


School of Religion classes begin Sunday, Septiembre 15. Registration forms for PSR are now available. Use the following link to download a registration form, or pick one up in the gathering space or parish office:

Registro PSR!2019-09-23T16:06:56-05:00

75th Anniversary Mass and DinnerWaiting List/Cancellations


Our parish anniversary celebration will be held on Saturday, August 24th! Bishop Johnston will be coming to celebrate our 4pm Mass in honor of our parish’s 75th anniversary, and this Mass will be a bilingual Mass. Después de la Misa, there will be a dinner in [...]

75th Anniversary Mass and DinnerWaiting List/Cancellations2019-08-27T11:12:45-05:00

Manos Amigas StudentHaydee


You may remember that Manos Amigas scholarship student, Haydee, was supposed to visit our parish this past weekend and speak at a Manos Amigas fundraiser on Monday. Though she couldn't attend physically she did send a video to thank the mission and its volunteers [...]

Manos Amigas StudentHaydee2019-08-27T11:13:43-05:00

Spring Harvest!


We have harvested about 130lbs so far. However, the peppers, tomatoes are starting to ripen. We have a few baby cucumbers. We will need help as the season progresses. Don't miss the excitement. Bring your family and friends on Wednesday and Saturday mornings! [...]

Spring Harvest!2019-07-31T11:52:04-05:00

June 2019

Ministro Eucarístico & Formación de lectores:


¿Alguna vez ha considerado servir a nuestra parroquia como ministro eucarístico o lector?? Ministros laicos de la Sagrada Comunión, comúnmente conocidos como Ministros de Eucaristía o Comunión, son aquellos feligreses que tienen el encargo de ayudar al sacerdote en la distribución de la Sagrada Comunión en la Misa. Lectores [...]

Ministro Eucarístico & Formación de lectores:2019-06-26T10:50:54-05:00

Usher and Greeter Formation


I’m inviting you to meet a great need at our parish and prayerfully consider becoming an Usher/Greeter at St. Sabina. We currently do not have enough ushers to schedule at each weekend Mass. Our goal is to increase the number of active, scheduled ushers [...]

Usher and Greeter Formation2019-06-25T11:22:03-05:00

Junior & Senior High Youth Summer Volleyball!


Our awesome youth will be joining kids from a couple other parishes to play some volleyball this summer on June 30th at Presentation, July 21st at Nativity of Mary and August 4th at St. Sabina. All games are from 2-4pm. Away games will require [...]

Junior & Senior High Youth Summer Volleyball!2019-08-06T09:48:31-05:00
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