I’m inviting you to meet a great need at our parish and prayerfully consider becoming an Usher/Greeter at St. Sabina. We currently do not have enough ushers to schedule at each weekend Mass. Our goal is to increase the number of active, scheduled ushers so that we can have a team of 6 at each Mass. To do this, we need roughly 24 ushers available to serve at each weekend Mass time. We are seeking 50 more parishioners to serve as Usher/Greeters.

Any member of our parish, male, female, age 15-115, can be an Usher/Greeter.

Many of you currently help take up the collection when needed, but aren’t on our usher schedule. We need you to take the next step and please become a scheduled usher/greeter. It is important for us to have a schedule to ensure we have 6 people greeting parishioners and guests as they arrive for Mass.

The next scheduled formation session is:

Tuesday, June 18 en 7:00PM in the church

Please either email Susan Ratigan at susan@stsabinaparish.org or sign up using the Online Registration Form in the Gathering Space.

If you would like to serve as an usher/greeter, but can’t attend this session, please contact Susan. There will be future formation dates.

You can see there is a great need. I hope you will consider sharing your time with our parish to fill this need. The ministry of Usher/Greeter is much more than taking up the collection. Ushers are the face of welcome and hospitality of our parish. Ushers/Greeters help connect individuals to the parish and each other. This truly is a vital ministry and we need you.

You are welcome to contact Susan for further information. Thank you very much for considering serving our parish in the ministry of Usher/Greeter.