At the 12:30 Mass on March 26, we will remember Saint Oscar Romero, the patron saint of persecuted Christians. Fr. Chuck Tobin will be coming to celebrate this Mass, and after Mass there will be refreshments in the gathering space. All are invited to attend.

Saint Óscar Arnulfo Romero (Agosto 15, 1917 – March 24, 1980) was a prominent Roman Catholic priest in El Salvador during the 1960s and 1970s, becoming Archbishop of San Salvador in 1977. After witnessing numerous violations of human rights, he began to speak out on behalf of the poor and the victims of repression. This led to numerous conflicts, both with the government in El Salvador and within the Catholic Church. After speaking out against U.S. military support for the government of El Salvador, and calling for soldiers to disobey orders to fire on innocent civilians, Archbishop Romero was shot dead while celebrating Mass at the small chapel of the cancer hospital where he lived. Saint Oscar Romero was canonized on October 14, 2018 and his feast day is celebrated annually on March 24th.