Adviento-Navidad-Epifanía is a rich festal season in the Christian tradition. The season celebrated the Incarnation, God becoming fully human in the person of Jesus, Emmanuel, God-with-us.


Advent, the four Sundays before Christmas, is time of joyful anticipation and preparation for the celebration of Jesus’ birth.

DYK the origins of the Advent Season?

DYK the backdrop to some of the symbols of the Advent Season?

DYK some of the feasts that are celebrated during the Advent Season?

DYK the origins of the O Antiphons that are used during the Advent season?

Advent Reflection Questions

  • What can we do to make ourselves and our family more holy and healthy?
  • If we believe we are made in the image of God, whether we are single or
    married, what difference can this make in our attitudes and lives?
  • If we believe we share Jesus’ Good News by using the gifts that God gave us,
    what are the practical implications of such belief?

DYK why John the Baptist is so prominent during the Advent Season?

DYK the three comings Christ we joyfully celebrate during the Advent season?

DYK the meaning and significance of the Mexican celebration Las Posadas?


The twelve days of the Christmas season celebrates with great joy the birth of Jesus, allowing us to deepen our understanding and significance of the Incarnation.

DYK the differences in Luke’s and Matthew’s Christmas Narratives?

DYK the Christmas narrative according to the Gospel of Matthew?

DYK the Christmas narrative according to the Gospel of Luke?

DYK why God chose to become human in the person of Jesus?

Christmas Reflection Questions

  • How do the Advent and Christmas seasons help us appreciate God’s desire
    that we share his love with others? Whether we are single or married,
    describe ways that we can apply this truth to our family, neighbors, amigos,
    and colleagues.
  • In what ways does Jesus’ coming at Christmas help us appreciate our need to
    put our lives in God’s hands?
  • How can we imitate the Holy Family during difficult times, such as job loss,
    sickness, times of doubt, and death?

DYK the meaning and significance of the Mexican celebration Las Pastorelas?

DYK the many Latin American customs and celebrations surrounding Christmas?


Epiphany, focused primarily on January 6, the feast of the coming of the Magi to pay homage to Jesus, allows us to realize the implications of God’s presence among us as a full human being. God-with-us in the person of Jesus is the revelation of God’s intimate love not just for Christians but for the entire human family. All are welcome.

DYK connection between Epiphany and immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers?

DYK the three Epiphanies of Jesus linked to Jan. 6th?

DYK what the story of the Magi is all about?

DYK the various Latin American traditions surrounding Jan. 6, the feast of the Epiphany?

Epiphany Reflection Questions

  • Like the Magi, we can offer Jesus our gifts on this feast of Epiphany. What gifts can you offer Jesus?
  • Epiphany is a good opportunity todiscover new things and make our own revelations. As the wise men did, you too can continue to follow your faith throughout this year. How will you continue to follow your faith and improve your relationship with God?

DYK the legends behind La Befana and Babushka?

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