Papa Francisco

DYK the intent of Pope FrancisApostolic Constitution Preach the Gospel?

DYK why Pope Francis designated the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time as World Day of the Poor?

DYK the significance of Pope FrancisApostolic Exhortation Rejoice and Be Glad?

DYK the important points made by Pope Francis in his Apostolic Exhortation, Rejoice and Be Glad?

DYK who’s called to holiness?

DYK the two subtle enemies of holiness?

DYK why Pope Francis calls the Beatitudes a Christian Idenity Card? Parte 1

DYK why Pope Francis calls the Beatitudes a Christian Idenity Card? Parte 2

DYK why Pope Francis concludes his reflections on the Beatitudes with the Great Criterion?

DYK the five signs of holiness in today’s world?

DYK why vigilance and discernment are essential in our spiritual journey?

DYK why Pope Francis sees a call to holiness as essential to Christian living?

Fratelli Tutti Part 1: DYK the backdrop to Pope FrancisEncyclical, Fratelli Tutti?

Fratelli Tutti Part 2: DYK why Pope Francis considers the Good Samaritan as the example of Fraternity and Social Friendship?

Fratelli Tutti Part 3: DYK Why Pope Francis Calls for A Heart Open to the Whole World?

Fratelli Tutti Part 4: DYK why Pope Francis calls for dialogue and friendship as key means to a better kind of politics?

Fratelli Tutti Part 5: DYK why Pope Francis calls all to be artisans of peace, forgiveness and reconciliation?

Fratelli Tutti Part 6: DYK the overall significance of Pope FrancisEncyclical, Fratelli Tutti?

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