Christian stewardship acknowledges that all we have or own have been gifted to us by God for the purpose of using them not only for our own good but for the common good of the entire human family. Gifts of time, talent, and treasure are loaned to us by God and we will be judged on how we have used them for the common good of all, most especially those in need. No one can direct you on how to use your God-given gifts. Each of us must call upon the Spirit to help us discern the best way to use what we have been given for the common good. The daily challenge of discernment is essential to being a good steward of God’s gifts. When done well, stewardship benefits not only the human family, but also everyone who strives to be good stewards of God’s gifts.
DYK the meaning and significance of the Stewardship Lifestyle?
DYK what the stewardship of the gift of time entails?
DYK what stewardship of our God-given talents entails?
DYK what stewardship of your God-given gift of treasure entails?
Reflections questions on stewardship