The Bible, God’s Word in human words, is the inspired word given to us as an aid and guide on the path that God desires of us as faithful disciples. The two main components of the Bible are the Old and New Testaments. Because Jesus was Jewish, to understand and appreciate Jesus, one must know the Old Testament, or the Jewish Scriptures. While Christians immerse themselves in the New Testament books concerning Jesus, especially focused on the Gospels, they must also know how the New is a continuity of the Old. The heart of Jesus’ teaching is often expressed in the form of parables. Knowing how to read and interpret the parables is essential in getting at the mind, heart and intention of Jesus. St. Jerome stressed this powerfully when he stated that “Ignorance of scripture is ignorance of Christ.” Immersing ourselves in the Scriptures is a necessary component of all Christian living.

Gospel of Matthew

DYK the historical and cultural backdrop to Matthew’s Gospel?

DYK – The Christmas Narrative according to Matthew?

DYK how Matthew’s Gospel pictures Jesus?

DYK how discipleship is portrayed in Matthew’s Gospel?

Reflection Questions for Scriptures videos

DYK the key themes that run through the Gospel of Matthew during Ordinary Time?

DYK the five discourses in Matthew’s Gospel?

DYK the message of Matthew’s parable of the sower and the seed?

DYK the challenges posed by Matthew’s parables of the Wheat and Weeds, the Mustard Seed and the Woman with the Leaven?

DYK the challenges posed by Matthew’s parables of the Treasure in the Field, the Precious Pearl and the Fishing Net?

DYK how Matthew’s judgement scene connects with Feast of Christ The King?

DYK the backdrop for the temptation of Jesus in the desert in Matthew’s gospel?

DYK why Lectionary A gospel readings are used on Scrutiny Sundays?

DYK why the transfiguration is proclaimed on the Second Sunday of Lent?

DYK what makes the passion narrative according to Matthew unique?

Gospel of Mark

DYK the key themes of Mark’s Gospel?

DYK the backdrop to the brothers and sisters of Jesus that show up in the gospels?

DYK why the transfiguration is proclaimed on the Second Sunday of Lent?

Gospel of Luke

DYK the Christmas narrative according to the Gospel of Luke?

DYK what the parable of the Prodigal Son reveals about God’s love?

DYK the discipleship lesson from Luke’s parable of the widow and the unjust judge?

DYK how the Feast of the Annunciation is presented in the Gospels?

DYK the discipleship lesson of the cure of the 10 lepers?

DYK why the transfiguration is proclaimed on the Second Sunday of Lent?

DYK the unique elements to Luke’s passion narrative?

Gospel of John

DYK the key themes running through John’s Gospel?

DYK the backdrop to the brothers and sisters of Jesus that show up in the gospels?

DYK the backdrop to John’s narrative of the Samaritan woman at the well?

DYK the backdrop to John’s narrative of the man born blind?

DYK the backdrop to John’s narrative of the Raising of Lazarus?

Other Scriptures

DYK the difference between Protestantsand Catholicsexposure to scripture?

DYK the key themes in the first four chapters of Paul’s 1st Letter to the Corinthians?

DYK the significance of Kenosis Hymn in Paul’s letter to the Philippians?

DYK why we read 2nd Theealonians in the Sundays in November in Lectionary Year C?

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