Getting Back to God: Life Lessons in Story & Song with fellow Parishioner, Keith Lilek, Series Author
Tuesday, June 20, 2023 7:00 – 9:00 PM, Parish Hall
Would you like to find the spark that could re-ignite your spiritual flame? Do you desire to strengthen, deepen, or just find your way back to God right now, today? Join us for a fun event to learn the Mentored from Above (MFA) Formula to accomplish that goal! Many of us need a life coach to improve all our relationships but the most important is with God. Keith will present his ten universally proven biblical lessons that are uniquely shared as audio and musical stories to lift your spirits and deepen your faith life. Access to the Audio & eBook of the night’s lessons will be available at mentoredfromabove.com for purchase. 100% of proceeds will go directly to benefit St Sabina Parish.
To register, please call Kris Larkey at the parish office (816) 979-3151, or click below to send her an email.