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Due to the weather, the staff will be working from home on Monday, January 6th and the parish office will be closed.
Youth News
Over 55 Group News
Our "Piecemakers" quilt group meets up weekly to work on projects while enjoying fellowship. Come join us every Thursday [...]
Daily Readings
- Memorial of Saint Anthony, Abbot
- Thursday of the First Week in Ordinary Time
- Wednesday of the First Week in Ordinary Time
- Tuesday of the First Week in Ordinary Time
- Monday of the First Week in Ordinary Time
- The Baptism of the Lord
- Saturday after Epiphany
Vatican News
- News from the Orient - 17th January 2025
- Churches in DRC launch roadmap for peace in Great Lakes Region
- Nigeria: African women religious graduate from Hilton-CIWA Theological Formation
- Mary's Meals: Serving hope, one bowl at a time
- US Bishops commend decision to remove Cuba from US terror list
Noticias del Vaticano
- Gambetti: como San Antonio, sigamos el camino del Evangelio
- Obispos ecuatorianos exhortan a defender la niñez
- En París, el cardenal Parolin aboga por "una laicidad dinámica"
- Specola: Estudiantes del mundo en la escuela estiva de astronomía y astrofísica
- RD Congo: católicos y protestantes firman un pacto de convivencia por la paz