Parish News
Our Parish Auction will be held on Friday the 13th in September. Purchase Tickets and Register for on-line bidding [...]
Travel to Italy with Fr. Jeff
Travel to Rome and Assisi with Fr. Jeff in Spring 2025! Trip Details
Youth News
PSR Registration 2024
The Parish School of Religion has begun accepting registrations for this school year! Registration packets and calendars are [...]
Over 55 Group News
Our "Piecemakers" quilt group meets up weekly to work on projects while enjoying fellowship. Come join us every Thursday [...]
Daily Readings
- Tuesday of the Twenty-third Week in Ordinary Time
- Memorial of Saint Peter Claver, Priest
- Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time
- Saturday of the Twenty-second Week in Ordinary Time
- Friday of the Twenty-second Week in Ordinary Time
- Thursday of the Twenty-second Week in Ordinary Time
- Wednesday of the Twenty-second Week in Ordinary Time
Vatican News
- Pope in Dili: The heart of the Gospel is at the ends of the earth
- Nigeria: St Leo’s parish celebrates Mother Mary’s birthday by feeding the hungry
- Pope to Timor-Leste religious and catechists: You are the fragrance of Christ
- Pope to Timorese children: Thank you for teaching us to care and be cared for
- Day One in Dili: A momentous welcome
Noticias del Vaticano
- Timor Oriental: La valentía y el celo apostólico de una Iglesia de periferia
- El Papa entre los niños discapacitados de Dili: "Son nuestros maestros, nos enseñan a cuidar"
- El Papa en Timor Oriental: El Evangelio tiene la fuerza de generar una sociedad nueva
- Argelia: Tebboune reconfirmado como presidente
- Cardenal Ribat: Palabras del Papa que pueden renovar Papúa Nueva Guinea