The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, the RCIA,(also known as OCIA, Order of Christian Initiation of Adults) is a process which welcomes all who are interested in becoming Catholic, or any Catholic wishing to deepen their understanding of the faith. The Rite involves the formation of a community that learns, shares, builds community and prays together to deepen their relationship to God and to the parish family. Below are some of the values that we hold as Catholic Christians, which we readily share with all who desire to journey with us through the RCIA/OCIA.


The Catholic Church has consistently believed that God has a universal will and desire to save all people. Our God is the God of all people. God has initiated this love relationship with all creation and desires to bring all to fullness through total union with God for all eternity. Each one is called to union with God through the faith path and tradition that they feel God is leading them.

If this is so, then why be Catholic? One is Catholic, not because it is the only way to God, but because one feels attracted to the things that the Catholic tradition offers. One feels at home more in the Catholic tradition than in other faith traditions. The following list is meant to highlight some of those aspects of the Catholic tradition that have attracted others to it.

Catholics are not the only ones that value these qualities. Nor have we been consistent in following through on them. But, no matter the history, we seem to have held onto these values rather consistently.

See if these are values and attractions for you.

1. We affirm a belief in the goodness of all creation.
2. We have a universal sense of openness to all people and all cultures.
3. We affirm that we are all called to holiness.
4. We are committed to continual growth as persons.
5. We are challenged to change the world and society into the reign of God.
6. We are called to live in community.
7. We have historical roots and identity.
8. We respect reason, human knowledge and human exploration

For more information Contact Maria Milazzo at maria@stsabinaparish.org or the parish office at 816-331-4713.