
Ladies Evening Event

The St. Sabina Parents Lounge Ladies are hosting another "WOW" evening event on Friday, November 8, 7-10pm in the parish hall. All women of St. Sabina are invited to grab a girlfriend and join the fun. "WOW" means Work On Whatever. Bring a project [...]

Ladies Evening Event2019-11-12T07:55:14-06:00

Confirmation Parent Meeting

Parents of youth entering the Confirmation program are invited to attend one of two meeting times on September 8th at 9am or 11:30am in the Parish Hall. You will have an opportunity to meet the teacher, learn about the program and the requirements. Registration [...]

Confirmation Parent Meeting2019-09-10T09:13:15-05:00

Funeral Arrangements for JoAnn Gerant

JoAnn Gerant passed away on July 25, 2019. A visitation will be held on Friday, August 2nd from 10:30-11:30am at Dickey Funeral Home in Harrisonville, MO, followed by a funeral service. Graveside services will be held after the service at Peculiar Cemetery. Please keep [...]

Funeral Arrangements for JoAnn Gerant2019-08-06T09:48:18-05:00

PSR Registration!

School of Religion classes begin Sunday, September 15. Registration forms for PSR are now available. Use the following link to download a registration form, or pick one up in the gathering space or parish office:

PSR Registration!2019-09-23T16:06:56-05:00

75th Anniversary Mass and Dinner – Waiting List/Cancellations

Our parish anniversary celebration will be held on Saturday, August 24th! Bishop Johnston will be coming to celebrate our 4pm Mass in honor of our parish’s 75th anniversary, and this Mass will be a bilingual Mass. After Mass, there will be a dinner in [...]

75th Anniversary Mass and Dinner – Waiting List/Cancellations2019-08-27T11:12:45-05:00

Manos Amigas Student – Haydee

You may remember that Manos Amigas scholarship student, Haydee, was supposed to visit our parish this past weekend and speak at a Manos Amigas fundraiser on Monday. Though she couldn't attend physically she did send a video to thank the mission and its volunteers [...]

Manos Amigas Student – Haydee2019-08-27T11:13:43-05:00

Romero Celebration – March 29

On Sunday, March 29 our Salvadoran Community will host our parish’s annual celebration in honor of Saint Oscar Romero. Mass will begin at 12:30pm and will be immediately followed by a Salvadoran fiesta in the gym. Saint Óscar Arnulfo Romero (August 15, 1917 - [...]

Romero Celebration – March 292020-03-17T14:33:54-05:00
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