Lifelong faith formation involves delving deeper into the beliefs and practices of our Catholic faith and tradition. In doing so, we attune ourselves to the current teaching and understanding of our faith grounded in the teachings Second Vatican Council. Our Holy Father, Pope Francis, along with our bishops and priests guide us in our Christian living by articulating and explaining those teachings and how to make them an integral part of daily living . At the same time, we immerse ourselves in the church’s tradition, full of wisdom and knowledge gained through guidance of the Holy Spirit, who continually inspires all Christians on their faith journey through time. We learn what it means to be faithful Catholic Christians and how to put that knowledge into practice in our everyday lives.
Being catholic (small c)
DYK what it means to be catholic?
DYK why being catholic demands having an appreciation for all of God’s creation?
DYK why being catholic requires a universal vision?
DYK why being catholic calls us to have a holistic outlook?
DYK how the church understands real presence?
DYK the various modes that Christ is present in Eucharistic Celebrations?
Church Teaching
DYK the difference between catechesis and faith formation?
DYK the dimensions of our Catholic Faith Tradition that support inclusion and belonging?
DYK what theology is and who does theology?
DYK why the Holy Family is a model for all families?
DYK the Catholic teaching on immigration?
DYK the biblical teaching on immigrants and refugees?
DYK the Catholic teaching on the environment?
DYK how people should rightly relate to the rest of creation?
DYK the Catholic Church’s teaching on the Death Penalty?
DYK the Catholic Church’s position on cremation?
DYK the implications of Respect Life Sunday?
DYK the meaning of respecting life in our Christian tradition?
DYK why we pray for the dead?
DYK the impact of the Trinity on Christian living?
DYK what Catholics mean when they talk about the last things?
DYK the relationship between the cross and baptism?
DYK the correlation between priesthood and celebacy?
DYK the importance of celebrating the anniversary of the dedication of a church?
DYK the difference between Protestants’ and Catholics’ exposure to scripture?
DYK know the significance of the Rite of Welcome in the RCIA process?
Liturgical Year
DYK how the season of Ordinary Time fits into the liturgical year?
DYK the meaning and significance of the Liturgical Year?
DYK why the Liturgical Year closes with the Solemnity of Jesus Christ, King of the Universe?
DYK that October is the month of the Holy Rosary?
DYK why November is called the month of All Souls?
DYK the history of Catholic and Religious Orders complicity with slavery?
DYK how religious institutions are currently addressing their historical complicity with slavery?
DYK some modern examples of how religious institutions are currently making amends for their complicity with slavery and racism?
Reflection Questions on the Slavery and Racism
In November 2018, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops approved a new pastoral letter against racism, Open Wide Our Hearts: The
Enduring Call to Love. In the letter, the bishops invite all people of faith to conversion. We are called to open our minds and hearts to Christ’s love for all people and to the experiences of those who have been harmed by the evil of racism.
- The bishops note, “Racism can be found in our hearts.” Take a few minutes to examine your own conscience. What positive ornegative generalizations have you made about different ethnic groups? How can such generalizations lead to negative outcomes or interactions with individuals you encounter from these particular groups in your day to day life? What are you doing to combat racism in your heart?
- The bishops write that racist convictions or attitudes can result in exclusion, ridicule, mistreatment, or discrimination. What examples of this have you seen or experienced?
DYK what Synodality is and why it matters?
DYK the overall process of Pope Francis’ Synod on Synodality?
DYK how Synodality is rooted in Vatican II’s vision of church?
Reflection Questions on the Synod on Synodality
- What are the ways in which your parish most successfully brings people together? How are you involved in this matter?
- How can you better enable full, conscience and active participation of the Church at the parish and diocesan levels?
- How does the life of the parish, in terms of catechesis, adult formation, liturgy etc. aid in the formation of parishioners as missionary disciples?
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