The Lent-Easter-Pentecost Season is the very heart of the entire liturgical year. During this festal season we celebrate the Paschal Mystery, Jesus’ life, ministry, arrest, passion, death, resurrection and ascension, culminating in the gift of the Spirit at Pentecost.
Lent is a time of personal and communal renewal and conversion. We strive to remove all that keeps us separated from God. Through prayer, fasting and almsgiving, we recommit ourselves to live by gospel values modeled by Jesus.
DYK the various ways to prepare for the Lenten Season?
DYK the meaning and significance of the Lenten Season?
DYK why Easter is the most important season in the entire Liturgical Year?
DYK the backdrop for the temptation of Jesus in the desert in Matthew’s gospel?
Reflection Questions for Lent
- Does my Baptism and ongoing transformation in Christ affect and enrich all my
relationships as a spouse, parent, child, sibling, friend, classmate, or co-worker?
How? - Lent a fitting time to reject sinful ways and grow into our new selves, united with Christ. What are you doing to continue your conversion and improve the relationship on your faith journey?
DYK about Carnivale and its association with Lent?
DYK why we receive ashes on Ash Wednesday?
DYK the origins of Lent?
DYK the key symbols of Lent?
DYK the origins of the Stations of the Cross?
DYK the Lenten Devotions?
DYK the symbolic signifcance of the desert in our Lenten journey of faith?
DYK why conversion is at the heart of the Lenten Season?
DYK why God’s loving mercy and forgiveness are core Lenten themes?
DYK why the 1st reading in the Easter Season comes from the Acts of the Apostles?
DYK why the transfiguration is proclaimed on the Second Sunday of Lent?
DYK the key messages of the Gospels for the 1st and 2nd Sundays of Lent?
DYK the primary focus of the three Scrutiny Sundays in Lectionary Year C?
DYK why Lectionary A gospel readings are used on Scrutiny Sundays?
DYK the backdrop to John’s narrative of the Samaritan woman at the well?
DYK the backdrop to John’s narrative of the man born blind?
DYK how to enter spiritually into the Lenten Holy Week experience?
DYK what is the Triduum?
DYK the meaning and significance of the Paschal or Easter Triduum?
DYK why baptism is the key to the Easter Season?
DYK the unique elements to Luke’s passion narrative?
DYK what makes the passion narrative according to Matthew unique?
The Triduum, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday culminating with the Easter Vigil, celebrates Jesus’ life, passion, death and resurrection. We initiate new members through the baptismal waters, as we renew our own baptismal promises. We celebrate Christ’s resurrection and its impact on us as Resurrection people. We celebrate Easter Resurrection for fifty days.
DYK why the Easter Vigil is considered the “Mother of all Vigils”?
DYK the significance of the Easter or Christ Candle?
DYK the differences between the Western and Orthodox depictions of the resurrection of Christ?
DYK why water is a key symbol of Easter/Baptism?
Reflection Questions for Easter
- Why do we celebrate our transformation through Christ’s gift of himself on Easter, the feast of the Resurrection? What does this feast tell us about ourselves and the purpose of our lives?
- Easter calls our attention to Christ’s remarkable sacrifice. While it is important to honor Him on Easter, our efforts should continue throughout the year. In what ways can you continue to build a stronger relationship with Jesus?
DYK why oil is key symbol of Easter/Baptism?
DYK why light is a key symbol of Easter/Baptism?
DYK why white garment is a key symbol of Easter/Baptism?
DYK why eggs and bunnies are associated with Easter?
DYK why the fourth Sunday of Easter is called Good Shepherd Sunday?
DYK the outward signs of our Baptismal commitment are in everyday life?
DYK what it means to be a Resurrection people?
Along the way, we acknowledge and celebrate Jesus’ ascension to the Father, and culminate the season with the feast of Pentecost, the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the whole people of God.
DYK how novenas are associated with Ascension/Pentecost that we celebrate every year during the Easter Season?
DYK the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit?
DYK why Christians are called Spirit-led communities?
DYK what it means to be a Spirit-led people of God?
Reflection Questions for Pentecost
- What does it mean to you to be filled with the Holy Spirit? Give some examples of times in your life when you could feel the Holy Spirit working with you.
- As the place whether God’s Spirit dwells, we are his instruments in the world. What we think and say and do spreads God’s life giving breath to others. How do we measure up to this privilege and responsibility?
DYK why the feasts of Ascension and Pentecost are good ways to celebrate the end of the Easter Season?
DYK the scriptural background to the Feast of Pentecost?
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