The Catholic liturgical calendar has numerous feasts devoted to Mary, the mother of Jesus. Devotion to Mary was evident from the early centuries of the Church and continues to this very day. We honor Mary for her willingness to freely cooperate with God’s plan to become human in the person of Jesus. In this manner, she becomes a true model of what Christian discipleship entails. She was attentive to God’s Word, freely and willingly allowed God’s Word to take flesh in her, and also freely and willingly shared the Word with all of creation. Mary, one like us in all things, can truly teach us how to be faithful disciples. The feasts of Mary allow us to reflect on how we, like her, can attune ourselves to God’s Word, allow that Word to take flesh in our lives, and share that Word with all we come across.
DYK why Jan 1 celebrates Mary as “Mother of God”?
DYK the Historical Backdrop to Mary, a First Century Jewish Woman?
DYK the backdrop to the Sept. 8th Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary?
DYK the background to the Feast of Presentation of Blessed Virgin Mary?
Reflection Questions for Mary
How is devotion to Mary a component of your faith journey? If yes, why? If not, why not?
How can viewing Mary as a first century Jewish woman, one who struggled as we do in
discerning God’s will for us, bring Mary more down to earth and make her more
List ways in which Mary can be a rich model for us in our faith journey as disciples of
the Lord.
DYK how the Feast of the Annunciation is presented in the Gospels?
DYK the significance of the Solemnity of the Assumption of Mary into heaven?
DYK the story and tradition of Our Lady of Guadalupe?
DYK the roles that Jesus and Mary play in Islamic tradition and beliefs?
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